Saturday, September 18, 2004

And They're Off

So I am actually adding another blog to the list? How many would that make now? Couple billion?

Well, if I'm questioned, I can say that Blogger seduced me into this. If you have tried to leave a comment on a Blogger blog, you'll find that you have the choice of doing it anonymously or through your Blogger account. Which you can set up in just three minutes!! In my case I wanted to leave a comment on the Rather/memo/forgery mess at GayPatriot, ran up against this procedure, and figured, since I don't really like leaving anonymous comments, aw what the hell, I'll sign up.

Which meant that before I knew it, I had a blog. Does that make GayPatriot my blogdaddy? Goodness, the psychosexual echoings implicit in this scenario are intriguing.

So it's a strange ending to a strange string of days. We live in New Orleans, and with hurricane Ivan threatening us, we turned on the TV at 8 Tuesday morning to see Mayor Nagin and other regional political leaders essentially screaming into the microphone, "Get out, you fools, get out!!!" My. So we did, and since we needed a motel that would take a dog, we spent thirteen hours, driving nearly 500 miles, to arrive at 1:00 am at the only remaining room available, in a La Quinta motel in the tiny town of Clute, Texas, about an hour south of Houston. And we hunkered down, prepared to watch, with horrified fascination, all the TV coverage of the inundation and utter destruction of our beloved home city.

And at the house, back home, we didn't get so much as a drop of rain.

So, Ivan having taken a sudden jog to the east and sparing us, back we come, taking a sensible two days to do it, stopping in Lafayette, instead of another panicky thirteen hour push. And so we stagger in at 3 in the afternoon, the dog greatly relieved that this really, really stupid game is over, and I wind up starting a blog.

I must be punch drunk.

1 comment:

gecko said...

Isn't it divine? I have two already!!

One serious...

And one about my addiction!

Keep blogging!